A post-mortem on election post-mortems

What would a political party look like that modernised it's service?

Would an opposition party that modernised service to members win elections as opposed to governments losing them?

Do any of these sound familiar from your previous experience with Australian elections?

“[Insert political party name] infighting really killed their election chances.”

“[Insert political party name] really underestimated how unpopular [insert policy name] would be.”

Posted under Hate pets, Unanswerable questions

This post was written by @Drivelry on September 8, 2013


Psssst….can I buy your vote? How much do you want for it?

How much is your vote worth?Would it be better if our voters were motivated and not compelled? Photo on Flickr by Wendy Piersall licensed under Creative Commons

In Libya or Syria the right to vote may be worth a life. However there’s little in the way of basic freedoms and a low standard of living. There is everything to play for in comparison to a Western democracy where you have many established rights and the standard of living is higher still.

Posted under Hate pets, Unanswerable questions, Wait for release 2.0

This post was written by @Drivelry on April 15, 2012

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‘Choice’ and party politics: how to make your vote count when no party seems worth supporting

If you’re a Republican or Democrat in the US, Tory and Labourite in the UK, or Liberal or Labor supporter in Australia then when elections come around in a sense you have a choice.

By choice I mean two things:Photo by sterik_valen from Flickr licensed using Creative Commons

  1. you are able to vote for someone whose approach you broadly believe in, and, 

Posted under Unanswerable questions

This post was written by @Drivelry on September 14, 2008

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