The politics of space exploration

What’s the problem with the political staffers researching untapped votes in the electorate?Photo by chipdatajeffb from Flickr licensed under Creative Commons
Why they aren’t capitalising more on space? That’s ‘Space’ with a  capital ‘S’.

The prevalence of Space memes in popular culture

We all know about space, it’s the frontier meme that entire cable television channels are built around like the ‘Sci Fi’ channel, it’s the one that is the standard fare of blockbuster after blockbuster. 

Posted under Unanswerable questions

This post was written by @Drivelry on October 12, 2008

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Dangerous health risks lurking on the internet

Even as someone who started working on the web 12 years ago I am still awed by the ripples spreading out from simple full text search.Photo by Zemlinki! from Flickr licensed using Creative Commons

Posted under Unanswerable questions

This post was written by @Drivelry on September 29, 2008

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‘Choice’ and party politics: how to make your vote count when no party seems worth supporting

If you’re a Republican or Democrat in the US, Tory and Labourite in the UK, or Liberal or Labor supporter in Australia then when elections come around in a sense you have a choice.

By choice I mean two things:Photo by sterik_valen from Flickr licensed using Creative Commons

  1. you are able to vote for someone whose approach you broadly believe in, and, 

Posted under Unanswerable questions

This post was written by @Drivelry on September 14, 2008

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How far away is the electronic book for publishers and bloggers?

My household typically no longer buys newspapers.  Actually we rarely watch the television news either.

We get most ‘news’ via a couple of magazine subscriptions, podcasts (generally consumed in the car or whilst doing the washing up) and to a less extent online.

Posted under Wait for release 2.0

This post was written by @Drivelry on September 7, 2008

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Preschooler amnesia and parental memory mismatch

Ongoing exposure to preschoolers is a bit like unexpected exposure to Alzheimers. The expectation for a lot of adults is that somehow the preschoolers will remember this period of their life.

But will they?

Probably not. Ask anyone you know whether they remember when they were 3 or 4.  

Posted under Unanswerable questions

This post was written by @Drivelry on September 2, 2008

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At the end of the day it’s a perfect storm

The mysteries of cultural transmission are propelling “perfect storm” up the cliche charts at the moment. Presumably Mr Clooney and the 2000 movie of the same name is at least partially to blame but it’s interesting how 8 years later it suddenly seems to be catching on.

Posted under Hate pets

This post was written by @Drivelry on September 1, 2008

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Why write another blog?

Dash across to and as of today you’ll find 3.9 million blogs listed. Sheesh. Makes you want to stop right there. Because that would only be a fraction of the actual blogs who want more control than WordPress or other free services like Blogger can offer them.

Posted under Self doubt

This post was written by @Drivelry on August 31, 2008

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