Review of ‘The Wonderful World of Dissocia’ the play by Anthony Neilson

A dilemma for you: how do you review something about which you want to say nothing?

If you read the plot summary for this play you’d probably think it was terrible (so don’t). Stop.  Don’t Google it. In this case ignorance  is bliss.

Posted under Reviews

This post was written by @Drivelry on April 28, 2009

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Baby boomers: guilt or selfishness? Leisureville and the geriatric generation

 My (late 20s) sister gets some flak about being part of generation Y. You know, that generation that has:-

 ‘an expectation that there will always be a job out there and that you should be able to get to the top job of any average organisation in under 2 years.’

Posted under Reviews, Self doubt, Unanswerable questions

This post was written by @Drivelry on March 19, 2009

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Review of “Stardust”, the 2007 film, with Claire Danes & Robert de Niro

There are few films you can see with a child which are immensely entertaining for adults as well. Released in 2007 I’d never heard of  ‘Stardust’ and seeing it last night think it is vastly underrated.

Posted under Reviews, Unanswerable questions

This post was written by @Drivelry on February 6, 2009

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Review of “Outliers: The Story of Success” by Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell - further reviews on Amazon

I have a feeling I may be about to break the code of conduct of the Royal Society of Book Reviewers (if they’d have me as a member) because I feel compelled to comment on Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers before I’ve even finished it.

Posted under Kewl, Reviews

This post was written by @Drivelry on January 24, 2009

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